How to Support Each Other During and After Crises

I met Jeff and Kirstin when they were in the middle of a crisis. Their 17-year-old son was in full-blown rebellion. Many nights he would never show up, and on others he would come home intoxicated. What amazed many of their friends, including me, was their ability to pull together during this challenging season. Years later […]
Is There Hope for My Marriage

Often we think an unhappy couple has only two options: But there is a third option, and many couples successfully take this other road. In an exciting new study, couples participating in a national survey were asked to rate their marriage on a scale of one to seven, with one being very unhappy and seven […]
How to turn your transition into transformational leadership

Leadership transitions can be drawn out and difficult. So when the time came to transition from church leadership back to a writing ministry, I was anxious to begin the process right away. Since we were in the middle of a move, I entered my transition season off tilt. I had hoped to avoid problems by […]
Leadership is not about you

Leadership is not about you. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that leadership is not for you—leadership is something you can learn and excel at. But no matter how many theories you study or how many clubs you led in high school, if your leadership is about you, you will not be an effective […]